Articles, videos, and infographics to help you with your CML
The articles on CML Life were created in collaboration with a number of patient support organisations as well as professional CML treatment experts.
What causes CML?
CML is the result of a change that occurs in our DNA—the chemical that carries our genes.
Going on holiday with CML
Preparing for international trips can be stressful even when you don’t…
How to explain CML to a child
As your CML progresses, you may find that fatigue or breathlessness st…
Why does nutrition matter if you have CML
It takes a lot of energy to fight cancer and stay cancer free. A big source …
Being a carer with CML
Living with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) has impacts beyond your own health...
Living with CML in your 30s
With recent advances in medical care, the majority of people with chronic...
Living with CML in your 20s
Your twenties are your formative years. The time when you are learning who you...
CML Life moves to CMLAN
CML Life, co-created by Incyte & the patient community, is becoming a...
CML and education
The decision to embark upon further learning is really exciting and can be a...
A guide to good sleep hygiene
Having CML and treatments related to it can cause fatigue and wake you…
Making shared decisions with your doctor
Most people with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) find their condition …
Talking to your doctor – An illustrative guide
If you’re recently diagnosed with CML, it can sometimes be difficult t…
Travelling safely with CML
As life starts to go back to ‘normal’ and the world opens up again, you might...
Exercising with CML
If you’re having a bad day with your CML, exercise may be the furthest thing...
Getting involved in clinical research
Getting involved in clinical research Perhaps you’ve been asked by your doctor...
CML & Secondary Cancers
Thanks to modern treatments, Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is usually a...
Simple ways to feel more positive
For many people, chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a condition you ca…
CML and COVID-19 update: A guide to what’s changed for people with CML
Now that we have all had some time to adjust to the “new normal”, our lives...
Coping with fatigue
Living with a chronic illness can be tough, especially when it leaves you...
Understanding CML
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a condition where cells in the bone…
A guide for finding accurate information about CML online
When researching health information online, it can be difficult to filter the...
What are blood counts?
What is a blood count, and what does it mean for people with CML?
The Art of Mindfulness – A Visual Guide
We all live in a busy world, with lots of distractions around us and t…
World CML Day 2020
In celebration of this year’s World CML Day, join us in support of the CML...
Coping in isolation – helpful tips to see you through
What do an astronaut, a submariner and a person with a rare disease have in...
COVID-19 and CML: everything you need to know
Does CML make me more at risk for COVID-19? If you are living with or care for...
Talking to your doctor
If you’re recently diagnosed with CML it can sometimes be difficult to take in...
Using mindfulness to cope with CML
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a bit of a buzzword these days, but all it...
How to make the most of our mindfulness podcasts
Research suggests mindfulness is a very helpful general wellbeing resource for...
Quality of life with CML
What does quality of life mean to those affected by CML? Felice Bombac…
Understanding your results – a visual guide
CML is a complicated condition and it can be hard to explain to friend…
Monique’s CML story
Patient interview – Monique from Netherlands This article is the transcript of...
Making day-to-day life easier
Having any long-term health condition can sometimes make daily life difficult....
Introducing the CML Life Health Literacy Questionnaire
Taking charge of your health is a positive, empowering choice - by increasing...
Staying connected to friends and family during your CML journey
Talking about CML can be empowering. When it is hard to make sense of what is...
CML Research – updates on adherence and drug/drug interactions
Thanks to modern treatments like tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), CML is...
Patient interview – Rita from Denmark
Rita, from Denmark, talks about her CML diagnosis, treatment, and fami…
Quick, easy and healthy meals
On days when you may be feeling low on energy, the last thing you want to do...
Young adults with CML
A diagnosis of CML is a lot to come to terms with at any age, but here we’re...
Kris’s CML story
Kris was diagnosed 12 years ago, and at the time he put his symptoms down to...
Nigel’s CML story
Nigel was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) six years ago at the...
How do you know if your CML treatment is working?
If you have chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and are being treated with...